Monday, March 29, 2010

China Mine Flooded

In Shanxi Province there is a coal mine that has trapped around 153 people in it. Wangjialing coal mine flooded from underground water surrounding the miners. One hundred people have been saved but there are more in there trying to get out or are dead.
Its so tragic to hear about accidents like this one. Coal mining is a very hard job as it is. I feel so bad for everyone involved in this tragedy and wish the best for them. I think that China should update their safety precautions from miners and all around the country. All jobs included I think China is to hard on the workers and needs to set laws to protect them.

Female bomber in Russia

Two bombs have gone off in Russia from two female suicide bombers. They were about 40 minutes apart and killed 38 people 65 wounded. The police force in Russia believes that it was most likely a terrorist group in North Caucasus. They act was not expected and was during the busiest time of day, the morning when everyone was on their way to work. The first bomb killed more than the second because evacuations were being made after the first bomb went off. They are still looking for the group but they say when they find them they will be punished greatly.
I don't understand why people are doing this. If they have a problem with government or something then take it up with them or go vote or protest. You don't need to go kill Innocent people to prove a point. Think of all the kids who now don't have parents. I personally think that suicide is the worst thing that a person can do and the most selfish. How does these bombers families feel knowing that their children killed themselves to kill others. This isn't the way to prove a point.