Monday, May 3, 2010

All things being unequal

The area between upper class, middle class, and low class is getting bigger and bigger. Some of the reasons that this gap is growing so fast is due to globalization, technology, education, and tax policy. Some are saying that they want restrictions on outsourcing or trade. People who are saying this are called Protectionism. Another way some American think that they can solve this problem is by taxing the wealthiest people in American and have lower taxes on middle and lower class.
I think that outsourcing is good and bad in different ways. I think its good because we need to connect with other nations and become one world. It also helps out different economy's and is cheap labor for our companies. On the other hand it does take jobs from some very hard working people. If you are a company owner you want to make money so you will go where you can get cheap labor and make more money. If your the worker you hate this because you want to have a high minimum wage but yet get those jobs that are going across seas.
Issues # 2
Issues # 3

Monday, March 29, 2010

China Mine Flooded

In Shanxi Province there is a coal mine that has trapped around 153 people in it. Wangjialing coal mine flooded from underground water surrounding the miners. One hundred people have been saved but there are more in there trying to get out or are dead.
Its so tragic to hear about accidents like this one. Coal mining is a very hard job as it is. I feel so bad for everyone involved in this tragedy and wish the best for them. I think that China should update their safety precautions from miners and all around the country. All jobs included I think China is to hard on the workers and needs to set laws to protect them.

Female bomber in Russia

Two bombs have gone off in Russia from two female suicide bombers. They were about 40 minutes apart and killed 38 people 65 wounded. The police force in Russia believes that it was most likely a terrorist group in North Caucasus. They act was not expected and was during the busiest time of day, the morning when everyone was on their way to work. The first bomb killed more than the second because evacuations were being made after the first bomb went off. They are still looking for the group but they say when they find them they will be punished greatly.
I don't understand why people are doing this. If they have a problem with government or something then take it up with them or go vote or protest. You don't need to go kill Innocent people to prove a point. Think of all the kids who now don't have parents. I personally think that suicide is the worst thing that a person can do and the most selfish. How does these bombers families feel knowing that their children killed themselves to kill others. This isn't the way to prove a point.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

California Family Gone

Living outside of San Diego there is a house with everything in place, nothing is missing. There is two dogs who have not been feed or watered in sometime. There is leftovers sitting on the counter. The only thing missing is the family. February 4, a family of 4 went missing. Joseph McStay, 40, his wife Summer, 42, their children Gianna, 4 and Joseph, 3, are no longer home and a gone without a trace. Their close relatives, who called in the disappearance, say that they were very close to the family and that the family would never leave without telling them first. There car was found outside of the Mexican boarder and there was no sign of a crime being committed. They could have just left for Mexico but the family does not think that is true. Josephs brother talks to him about every week and they are extremely close. Nothing in either his or Summers background would make anyone want to kidnap them. So how does a family just disappear.

I think that there is something going on either the family does know something and are telling the media or they were just one of the unlucky people that got taken. The part that makes me wonder is if they wanted to get away from everything and leave to Mexico why would they leave their car outside the boarder. If they were starting over or just vacationing don't they need a car? On the boarder someone could have told them to get out of the car and into theirs there is sick people out there. Not always is there a motive for taking someone.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Issue #1 War Dollars

Congress is given the right in the constitution to intervene in war affairs if the majority of America is against what the president is saying. For example in 1982 congress denied Reagan's funding for Contra rebels fighting in Nicaragua. Although it is a touchy subject because the president is the commander and chief elected by the people. Today one of the issues is the war in Iraq because going into the war most people were in support and now are not. They say we may be doing more harm than good. The war is cost many lives and a lot of American tax payers money. Congress wants to start limiting spending in the war so that we can get out of it faster and show the president we don't want to be there anymore. The other argument is that the executive branch is better prepared to be making military decisions.
Personally i think that when there is a big war or the decision to go into a big war or not there should be an electronic vote for all Americans to take. This way once we are in the war we cant be like "oh we never wanted to even go there" which in fact we did. So this way it can protect the government and president from criticism. We are a country for the people so that is the way it should be, the people vote for the wars we go into.

Issue #2

Issue #3

War Spending Clock

Friday, February 12, 2010

Boy, 12, faces grown up murder charges


Jordan Brown was 11 years old when his future pregnet step mom, Kenzie Houk, was murdered. Jordan was a hunter and had a gun. He was also in football and as described by friends a great kid. He was also the suspict for murder. He was convicted and was sentenced to life in jail as a adult. His family now is taking action to get him switched to juvenile system. When he was tryed he pled inniccent. The evidence isn't that strong either. They found gun residue on his shirt but because he hunted a lot there was gun residue on most of his shirts. Also a 7 year old sister says she heard a "boom". The cop also reports that the gun smelt freshly fired. He is in jail for the rest of his life for something he might not have done.


Personally when someone is that young they should not get a life sentance because they haven't even gone through puberty yet they are young and haven't even experianced life. If he is in fact guilty then he should go to jail that is the law. But because there isn't that hard of evidence and he is only 12 he should be tryed as a child not an adult.