Friday, February 12, 2010

Boy, 12, faces grown up murder charges


Jordan Brown was 11 years old when his future pregnet step mom, Kenzie Houk, was murdered. Jordan was a hunter and had a gun. He was also in football and as described by friends a great kid. He was also the suspict for murder. He was convicted and was sentenced to life in jail as a adult. His family now is taking action to get him switched to juvenile system. When he was tryed he pled inniccent. The evidence isn't that strong either. They found gun residue on his shirt but because he hunted a lot there was gun residue on most of his shirts. Also a 7 year old sister says she heard a "boom". The cop also reports that the gun smelt freshly fired. He is in jail for the rest of his life for something he might not have done.


Personally when someone is that young they should not get a life sentance because they haven't even gone through puberty yet they are young and haven't even experianced life. If he is in fact guilty then he should go to jail that is the law. But because there isn't that hard of evidence and he is only 12 he should be tryed as a child not an adult.

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