Tuesday, February 23, 2010

California Family Gone

Living outside of San Diego there is a house with everything in place, nothing is missing. There is two dogs who have not been feed or watered in sometime. There is leftovers sitting on the counter. The only thing missing is the family. February 4, a family of 4 went missing. Joseph McStay, 40, his wife Summer, 42, their children Gianna, 4 and Joseph, 3, are no longer home and a gone without a trace. Their close relatives, who called in the disappearance, say that they were very close to the family and that the family would never leave without telling them first. There car was found outside of the Mexican boarder and there was no sign of a crime being committed. They could have just left for Mexico but the family does not think that is true. Josephs brother talks to him about every week and they are extremely close. Nothing in either his or Summers background would make anyone want to kidnap them. So how does a family just disappear.

I think that there is something going on either the family does know something and are telling the media or they were just one of the unlucky people that got taken. The part that makes me wonder is if they wanted to get away from everything and leave to Mexico why would they leave their car outside the boarder. If they were starting over or just vacationing don't they need a car? On the boarder someone could have told them to get out of the car and into theirs there is sick people out there. Not always is there a motive for taking someone.

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